56% conversion rate when you embed the ‘RAVDA’ in your tax programs
#1 Client Engagement Tool
The Risk and Value Driver Assessment or ‘RAVDA’ is Bstar’s top rating risk diagnostic tool used to convert existing tax and compliance clients into advisory clients.
You can use the RAVDA for multiple purposes including valuing a business, an annual review of your clients’ business performance, in tax planning meetings or as part of your process when on-boarding new clients. It is the primary source of data for Bstar’s bi-annual SME Research Report.
Non-Financial Internal & External Risks
The RAVDA is unique; it examines key internal and external non-financial risk and value drivers that affect business performance and values.
Bstar’s Alliance Partner Program includes a short and full version of the RAVDA. The full RAVDA is available in a range of different industry specific versions and your clients’ risk score can be benchmarked against other comparable business risk scores by accessing one of the largest databases of RAVDA benchmarks.
Step 1 of Bstar’s Advisory Services Process
Send the RAVDA to your clients so they can complete a free risk diagnostic on their business.
After reviewing & discussing the RAVDA with your client you can generate multiple fee growth opportunities, business advisory reports and solutions including:
Business Performance Indicator Reports
A snapshot of a business’s:
RAVDA Scorecards
It uses Data Analytics to determine:
Opportunity – Amalgamated RAVDAs
If you advise multi-owner, generational family, farming or private enterprise clients creating a shared vision for the future direction of their business can be challenging.
A special feature of the RAVDA functionality enables you to amalgamate multiple client RAVDAs and then show your clients where they are aligned/misaligned on key risks and value drivers.