Masterclasses | Unique Support Services | Bstar


Think differently to grow your practice

Running A Masterclass

Client & COI Masterclasses

Offer your clients and Centres of Influence (COIs) a Masterclass showing them how to improve their business performance and grow your practice.

Bstar’s Alliance Partner Program includes materials, advice and support to set-up and run Masterclasses.

A Masterclass can be offered to your clients in a group format and/or as a dedicated event for your practice referral partners/COIs – Lawyers, General Insurance/Finance Brokers etc.

It creates a ‘win win’ for you, your clients & COIs.

Special Features

Bstar – Solutions to grow your business advisory revenue

Completing a Risk & Value Driver Assessment (‘RAVDA’)


Preparing a SWOT Analysis


Identifying business improvement strategies


Networking with other like-minded business owners and professionals


Receiving a Business Improvement Plan Report


One of the great outcomes of the COI Masterclass is your referral partners get a better understanding of your specialist business advisory services.

By attending a Masterclass they will experience ‘first hand’ how these services can help their own business performance and consequently are more likely to refer new clients to your practice.

Growing your business with centres of influence


  • Bstar provides a defined framework that we can scale

    "We were offering Business Advisory services to our clients, but we didn’t have a structured and repeatable way to deliver on a consistent basis. Bstar provides a defined framework that we can scale, ensuring we deliver what we say will to our clients each and every time. Without Bstar, we wouldn’t be able to offer the suite of Business Advisory Services we do today, meaning we’d miss out on a huge opportunity to grow both our business, and our client’s businesses."

    Drue Schofield, 4Front Accountants

  • The Bstar process and tools align perfectly with our delivery model

    "We appreciate the value in systemising an offering and Bstar was fundamental in allowing our practice to do that. The Bstar process and tools align perfectly with our delivery model and provide structure to what has always been an adhoc and somewhat intuitive process."

    Jared Favero, Godbee Favero

  • The latest and best tools to assist our clients prosper and grow successfully

    "To be able to provide our clients with the best possible advice and support we can, in choosing Bstar to partner with we are confident that we will have the latest and best tools to assist our clients prosper and grow successfully in any future business plans they have. We want to provide a value-added service to our clients for whom we are currently providing compliance services, in the ever increasingly complex business environment, we believe that our role is even more important as being a trusted adviser to our clients and assisting them in their future decisions."

    Stephen Noble, SJN Chartered Accountants

  • Bstar support their Alliance Partners to help them achieve results

    "We made the decision to become a Bstar Alliance Partner for several reasons. First and foremost, product quality and development, Bstar is a well-respected brand in the business arena and Support. Bstar stand behind their product and support their Alliance Partners to help them achieve results. It’s very personalised and genuine and both are happy to pass on a wealth of knowledge and experience."

    Tony Kolker & Rob Femia, ROCG Stirling

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