Think differently to grow your practice
Client & COI Masterclasses
Offer your clients and Centres of Influence (COIs) a Masterclass showing them how to improve their business performance and grow your practice.
Bstar’s Alliance Partner Program includes materials, advice and support to set-up and run Masterclasses.
A Masterclass can be offered to your clients in a group format and/or as a dedicated event for your practice referral partners/COIs – Lawyers, General Insurance/Finance Brokers etc.
It creates a ‘win win’ for you, your clients & COIs.
One of the great outcomes of the COI Masterclass is your referral partners get a better understanding of your specialist business advisory services.
By attending a Masterclass they will experience ‘first hand’ how these services can help their own business performance and consequently are more likely to refer new clients to your practice.